Worship team

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

 Ибо и Сын Человеческий не для того пришел, чтобы Ему служили, но чтобы послужить...

Mark 10:45

At the City of Praise Church in Tampa, Florida, the worship team plays a vital role in the spiritual life of our congregation. Led by talented leaders, the team includes musicians and singers who inspire the congregation to deepen their prayer and worship. Their enthusiasm and dedication create an atmosphere of unity, humility, and deep worship in spirit and truth. With a variety of musical styles and instruments, the worship team brings people together as we praise our God.

Meet our worship team

Luda Syrisko

Pastor, vocal

Anna Zvarych

Vocal, keyboard

Ihor Zvarych


Alex Shtainke

Leader, vocal, bass, acoustic guitar

John Forbes

Drums, vocal

Anastassiya Shtainke

Vocal, 2nd keyboard

Viktoriia Hrytsenko

Keyboard, vocal

Svitlana Chervona


Valentyn Chervonyi

Sound Engineer

It's time to worship

Приидите, воспоём Господу, воскликнем, твердыне спасения нашего; предстанем лицу Его со славословием, в песнях воскликнем Ему, ибо Господь есть Бог великий и Царь великий над всеми богами. В Его руке глубины земли, и вершины гор — Его же; Его — море, и Он создал его, и сушу образовали руки Его. Придите, поклонимся и припадём, преклоним колени пред лицом Господа, Творца нашего; (Пс 94:1-6)

I want become a part of worship team

Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

At City of Praise Church, we know that serving others is important, just as Jesus said: "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few" (Matthew 9:37, NKJV). Our church relies on the dedication of our volunteers. Whether it's helping with events, supporting our ministries, or offering a helping hand, every effort counts. We invite you to join our volunteer team and make a difference in our community. Together, we can do great things.

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer as greeter ?

Greeters welcome people to worship, especially newcomers. They offer smiles, hand out programs, and share information during prayer meetings. This is a great job for a family! 

How do I volunteer with kids?

Teachers are needed to lead lessons and activities. These volunteers must dedicate quite a bit of time, as they will need to be present for classes and spend a couple of hours each week in preparation. 

How do I volunteer with music?

And what is a church service without music? Opportunities for musicians in our congregation include soloists, a praise band (drums, guitars, keyboards, vocal). 

How do I volunteer as ushers ?

Ushers are a vital part of worship, finding seats for new church members, passing offering plates during Sunday morning services, assisting with communion, and more. Simply put, they make your church service take place smoothly.